Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Just LOVE me, like a fat kid loves cake!
Have you ever felt like that? When I first heard that, it hit me like a ton of bricks. To be in LOVE like that or to be loved like that would just rule forever. Is that not what we are all yearning for? Do we not seek out LOVE from the second we breathe as an infant? We search our parents eyes for that look of LOVE. We smile because we know it makes them smile with the LOVE that they feel for us.
To LOVE or not to LOVE? This is the question we all ponder through out life.
Why do we yearn to be someones everything? We want nothing more than to feel like the LOVE of one`s life. We spend our lives looking for that special person that will make our world seem like a dream. We want to feel safe and secure in our choice of partners. But how do we really know that this one is "the one" we will LOVE unconditionally forever? How do we know that this choice of LOVE will not break our heart? How do we know that this LOVE will LOVE us when the chips are down and we are not that perfect person that they fell in LOVE with?
Well I hate to sound like a wet blanket here on a cold night, but nothing is guaranteed. Life promises us nothing. We make our lives what they are, right at this moment. In matters of the heart we gamble, and as I have said before, to give LOVE is to risk losing LOVE. That is just another one of those bleary facts. Like rain storms and snowfalls, we have no control over anything that nature has given to us. We can only do our best with what we have. I have spoken before about gifts. Well, LOVE is a gift when it is given and when it is received. It does not happen because we say we want it to, or when we like a person and say "LOVE me". HA. I am sure that almost everyone out there will agree to that. I am also certain that the word "Stalker" comes from that notion.
LOVE can be a very scary risk. "Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it! It makes you so vulnerable. It opens you up, totally exposing your heart only to let someone get inside you and twist things up so tight, you can barely breathe. You build up defenses, you build an entire suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then that person, not seeming any different from any other person, wanders into your lonely life. You give them your heart. They didn't ask for it. They did something one day, like kiss you or smile your way, and then your life isn't your own any more. LOVE takes your heart hostage. LOVE swarms inside you. LOVE devours your entire being and leaves you crying in the darkness. With the simple phrase, "lets just be friends", it turns into a knife, cutting its way into your heart. The pain is like no other you have ever felt nor ever want to feel again. Not just in your imagination, not just in the mind. It's like losing a part of who you are, or rather who you were. That my friends is one reason we are so careful to not make the wrong LOVE choice. I know reading this totally makes one never want to do that. But we do, over and over again. Why?
Is it such a deep needed desire that we really have no control? Is cupids arrow that strong? YES on both counts.
LOVE is one of the most powerful sensations we will ever endure in our lives.
LOVE knows no limit to its power, no end to its trust, no loss of its hope.
LOVE can overpower anything.
LOVE stays up, when all else has falls down.
LOVE is felt when one grasps another's hand.
LOVE is as much of an object as an obsession. Everybody wants it and everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it. Those who do, will cherish it, get lost in it, and among all, will never, ever forget it.
LOVE does not waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead it creates a perfect love.
LOVE is somewhat like an hourglass, the heart fills up on one side as the brain empties the other.
LOVE is admiring ones heart: as admiration is the love of ones mind.
LOVE is with you when you least deserve it, because that's when you really need it.
These are a few thoughts that I have that tell me what LOVE is and why LOVE is.
When we're incomplete, we're always searching for somebody to complete us.We must understand that until we admit that while our partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives, we alone are the only ones that can bring that same fulfillment to ourselves. No one is responsible for our happiness.
Some people fall into a pattern of needing that NEWNESS LOVE in their relationships. These people will go from one relationship to another forever, never getting off that roller coaster of failure. They never understand that LOVE has stages. LOVE at first is so full of mystery and excitement. Then we move into becoming comfortable with one another and blending our ways to continue to strengthen our LOVE for one another. We continue to grow with each other, adding newness to each other by growing in one world, but as two people. Our years together build our road to our destiny of spending our lives and enduring tribulations as one. If you want life to always be a bed of roses, then you best grow a few gardens, because the roses will only get there if you grow them or bring them to your life. In other words sweet people of LOVE, your LOVE and passion is only what you make it. If you ignore it or get too busy to feed it, it will die or fade away. It's like any other living breathing thing. LOVE needs to be treated with respect and treated like the special gift that it is.
To LOVE or not to LOVE? This is the question we all ponder through out life.
Why do we yearn to be someones everything? We want nothing more than to feel like the LOVE of one`s life. We spend our lives looking for that special person that will make our world seem like a dream. We want to feel safe and secure in our choice of partners. But how do we really know that this one is "the one" we will LOVE unconditionally forever? How do we know that this choice of LOVE will not break our heart? How do we know that this LOVE will LOVE us when the chips are down and we are not that perfect person that they fell in LOVE with?
Well I hate to sound like a wet blanket here on a cold night, but nothing is guaranteed. Life promises us nothing. We make our lives what they are, right at this moment. In matters of the heart we gamble, and as I have said before, to give LOVE is to risk losing LOVE. That is just another one of those bleary facts. Like rain storms and snowfalls, we have no control over anything that nature has given to us. We can only do our best with what we have. I have spoken before about gifts. Well, LOVE is a gift when it is given and when it is received. It does not happen because we say we want it to, or when we like a person and say "LOVE me". HA. I am sure that almost everyone out there will agree to that. I am also certain that the word "Stalker" comes from that notion.
LOVE can be a very scary risk. "Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it! It makes you so vulnerable. It opens you up, totally exposing your heart only to let someone get inside you and twist things up so tight, you can barely breathe. You build up defenses, you build an entire suit of armor, so that nothing can hurt you, then that person, not seeming any different from any other person, wanders into your lonely life. You give them your heart. They didn't ask for it. They did something one day, like kiss you or smile your way, and then your life isn't your own any more. LOVE takes your heart hostage. LOVE swarms inside you. LOVE devours your entire being and leaves you crying in the darkness. With the simple phrase, "lets just be friends", it turns into a knife, cutting its way into your heart. The pain is like no other you have ever felt nor ever want to feel again. Not just in your imagination, not just in the mind. It's like losing a part of who you are, or rather who you were. That my friends is one reason we are so careful to not make the wrong LOVE choice. I know reading this totally makes one never want to do that. But we do, over and over again. Why?
Is it such a deep needed desire that we really have no control? Is cupids arrow that strong? YES on both counts.
LOVE is one of the most powerful sensations we will ever endure in our lives.
LOVE knows no limit to its power, no end to its trust, no loss of its hope.
LOVE can overpower anything.
LOVE stays up, when all else has falls down.
LOVE is felt when one grasps another's hand.
LOVE is as much of an object as an obsession. Everybody wants it and everybody seeks it, but few ever achieve it. Those who do, will cherish it, get lost in it, and among all, will never, ever forget it.
LOVE does not waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead it creates a perfect love.
LOVE is somewhat like an hourglass, the heart fills up on one side as the brain empties the other.
LOVE is admiring ones heart: as admiration is the love of ones mind.
LOVE is with you when you least deserve it, because that's when you really need it.
These are a few thoughts that I have that tell me what LOVE is and why LOVE is.
When we're incomplete, we're always searching for somebody to complete us.We must understand that until we admit that while our partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives, we alone are the only ones that can bring that same fulfillment to ourselves. No one is responsible for our happiness.
Some people fall into a pattern of needing that NEWNESS LOVE in their relationships. These people will go from one relationship to another forever, never getting off that roller coaster of failure. They never understand that LOVE has stages. LOVE at first is so full of mystery and excitement. Then we move into becoming comfortable with one another and blending our ways to continue to strengthen our LOVE for one another. We continue to grow with each other, adding newness to each other by growing in one world, but as two people. Our years together build our road to our destiny of spending our lives and enduring tribulations as one. If you want life to always be a bed of roses, then you best grow a few gardens, because the roses will only get there if you grow them or bring them to your life. In other words sweet people of LOVE, your LOVE and passion is only what you make it. If you ignore it or get too busy to feed it, it will die or fade away. It's like any other living breathing thing. LOVE needs to be treated with respect and treated like the special gift that it is.
Monday, May 22, 2006
How Little Power Struggles Can Blow Up And Wreck Your Love By Design Relationsh
Not many people know about the hidden power struggles that can occur in a relationship or marriage. This article is about a hidden powerstruggle known as rhythms. Every person has their own unique rhythm whether that is how they eat, sleep, work, relax, or even think and breathe.
However, in our society, we have been taught to assume to everyone is alike, or that there is a specific way that everyone needs to go about their day in order to strive and be successful. This can cause a powerstruggle in a relationship in two ways.
1) Each partner will think that the other person has the same rhythm as them, so if they are not doing things the same way as them they are either doing things wrong or intentially trying to resist them.
2) If the partners are trying to copy the other person’s rhythm, it will be not in their highest and best interest. They will not be “productive” or be in a healthy lifestyle for the individual, which leads to powerstruggles anyway.
This article is to bring attention to some of the less well known types of rhythms in a relationship.
Our first is what I will call a task accomplishment rhythm. In our work, we teach individuals and couples something similar called workstyles which are ways how people like to carry out their work or activities such as Guideline people who need a basic guideline or structure 24 hours a day or Employee people who like to go by other peoples rules for a certain portion of the day, then the rest of the time they go by their own rules.
For task accomplishment rhythms, I will use Rob, my Life Partner (who is also the Director/Counsellor for the Life Management Centre/ LMC Relationship Centre and Co-author of Love by Design) and myself as an example.
When Rob is accomplishing tasks throughout his day, he likes to do a whole bunch of tasks, one after the other, nonstop without any breaks. Then stop for the day. I on the other hand, although having an Employee Workstyle, while I am actually working for or with the other person, like to work for a while, take a break, work for a while, take a break etc. In the beginning of our relationship, there was an unconscious powerstruggle, mostly felt by me because I couldn’t keep up the same momentum as Rob, especially if we had been out shopping or in public, I would have to have rest and recoup before I could charge into the next task at hand. I would get really tired and uncomfortable, and Rob would feel my resistance.
That didn’t last for long though, as soon as I recognized that my rhythm was different than Rob’s, I brought it to his attention. I accepted that my rhythm is different than his and he has incorporated my rhythm into his schedule, so I can rest in peace, and then join him again in our tasks. The good news is that I was just as productive as Rob, as long as I kept true to myself and my rhythm.
Another example of a rhythm is that people have different speech patterns, speed and rhythms. Rob had a couple come in to see him once, were the couple was having a communication problem.
The wife talked a mile a minute; the husband talked very slowly and paused a lot when talking. The wife often cut him off, between pauses, the husband often feeling offended by being interrupted all the time and the wife always felt like they weren’t getting anywhere in their communication. Would you believe the powerstruggle was there simply because they weren’t aware that they had different speaking rhythms? As soon as Rob pointed this out to them, and taught them how to understand, appreciate and not be in nonresistance to their rhythm their communication greatly improved. The wife, especially learned to be aware of the husband’s pause, and that the pause didn’t mean he was finished talking.
There are many other types of rhythms out there that will be unique to you and to you partner. Your assignment, if you choose to accept it, is to be aware of your feelings. If you ever feel like you are in resistance to your partner, such as feeling angry, a drop of energy or the need to dig your heels in, be on the “look out” and “feel out” for a potential rhythm that may be different.
Next, bring you partner into awareness, then accept, and appreciate both your partner’s and your own unique rhythms. With acceptance, nonresistance and being authentic, you will find that not only will the resistance fade away, both of your fill be at you fullest, and highest and best capacity in all areas of your lives.
What is the Best Position for Making Love?
Ever wondered which is the most sexual and feminine sexual position?
Well, the award undoubtedly goes to the missionary position! Yes, that old and boring man on top that can bring more satisfaction than you could imagine. No acrobatic positions, no pain and struggle, just complete focus on the pleasure sex should bring to both the partners.
This position is both feminine and erotic. It offers the perfect environment for a woman to feel loved, taken care of and close to you at the same time. The missionary position is also the most comforting to finish for the woman and, with a little communication, for the man as well.
If you're still not convinced maybe you should fine-tune it a little bit.
A couple of hard pillows under her hips and the difference will make her moan with pleasure.
You can gently spread her legs or just suggest her she should wrap them around your waist.
Put one or both over your shoulders and you'll get the effect of a turbo engine.
With some training and patience this position will soon become number one. And all of this because it is perhaps the most adaptable one. Everybody can feel great while making love in the missionary position.
Many women find it easier to have an orgasm in this position because they are more relaxed and don't have to think about their performance as in other positions. All they have to do is close their eyes, sit back and relax while the orgasm slowly surrounds them.
This position can give the woman plenty of clitoral stimulation if the man leans forward thus rubbing his pelvic bone against her clitoris. It also allows the manual stimulation of her clitoris. The missionary position is just great for those who love intimacy during sex as they can remain face to face while making love and enjoy each other as they reach orgasm to the full. The man can kiss and caress the woman, touch her breasts and abdomen while she can touch and rub his head, shoulders, back, and butt.
If at any time during sex in the missionary position you need to make a little change, you can always roll around and shift into a different one without too much trouble. All of this adds variety to a position many consider to dull to bring pleasure.
All in all, the missionary position feels so natural and erotic that it could never become obsolete.
Want to learn even more awesome positions to drive both her and you wild?
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Thursday, May 11, 2006
MY BIG MISTAKES....................!.
I'm so stupid.
I honestly believed it.
I never learn from my mistakes.
The past wasn't supposed to repeat itself.
Especially not with you.
I remember the humid air. The fireflies. I remember the cold marble floor. The dark outline of your face. I remember choking back the tears. I remember exactly what I was wearing too. Jeans and my white hoodie. I remember everything. I remember the shouting and the slamming door. The little green light flickering in the corner of my eye. I remember the spacious gray auditorium. I remember the skit. I remember the look in her eyes. I remember how angry I was.
On one hand, I wish I didn't remember anything. My mind would be completely blank with no recollection of all the painful things that took place in that short period of time. But then on the other hand, if these memories were gone, I don't know what I would do. Because along with the horrible flash backs, come the good ones. Like the frisbees and the trees and the sleepovers and the laughs and the tickle fights and the couches.
But do the good things cancel out the bad?
That always seems to be the question: I see the good. I see the bad. But there always seems to be more bad than good.
Does that make me a pessimist. Or a realist?
I don't know. And frankly I don't really care.
I almost lost you. Now all I need is the security in knowing that you won't ever completely disappear from my life again...