NitiNil Life

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Valentine's Day.

I felt I had an obligation to put up an entry today.
Because its...valentines day.
The perfect excuse to wear pink and red and to give out chocolate and hug everyone you see and slip notes into your crush's locker.
I personally think it's just a stupid Hallmark holiday and the only good thing is the free candy and stuff.

But then the bad stuff comes into play.
Like the fact that it's really depressing spending another 'valentines day alone', even though we're only thirteen. And then especially if you just came out of like a messy emotionally charged situation, you really start to hate all the mushy gushy love couples and start like freaking out when they kiss eachother in the hallways.

Even if you aren't a train wreck and you don't start spazzing in the hallways, if you don't have someone to spend today with, you start thinking back to previous crushes and previous someones (which of course is bad bad bad) and then you get all emo, like me, thinking about the PAST, which is always a problem.

I think that we should all boycott valentines day. And I think that we should turn Friday the 13th or something into an anti love day. Where everyone has to wear black or green (the opposite of red) and everyone gives up all that romantic tender heartfelt stuff for just one day. And if you're in 'love' and if you're happily married or something like that, you can stay indoors and celebrate your 'true love' without rubbing it in everyone else's faces. Yes, I admit it isn't the most joyous holiday, but there's something insanely appealing about a day dedicated to bitching about your ex's and failed loves. Then after complaining all day, everyone can go home and take a bubble bath and blast their music and eat ice cream out of the carton.

It's almost like national PMS day. Except men can do it too.



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